Parking on Streets During Snow Removal

car parked on the street with snow on it
When there’s a snowfall of two inches or more, the Public Works Department declares a snow removal alert, and begins plowing. That affects parking on City streets (which includes avenues and all other names used for public roads).  
Snow removal begins with ZONE 1, which includes the following: 
  • Phillips Avenue from Falls Park Drive to Fifth Street,
  • Main Avenue from Falls Park Drive to Fourth Street,
  • Sixth Street from Weber Avenue to Phillips Avenue,
  • Eighth Street from Phillips Avenue to Cliff Avenue and
  • the area of the city bordered by Minnesota Avenue on the west, Fourth Street on the north, Third Avenue on the east and Fourteenth Street on the south. 

No vehicle can park or remain parked on any public street in Zone 1 from 1 to 6 a.m. 

ZONE 2 includes the area of the city enclosed within the boundaries of Russell Street on the north, Cliff Avenue on the east, Thirty-Third Street on the south, and Western Avenue on the west, except Zone 1, including the entire roadway of those designated streets and avenues. No vehicle can park or remain parked on streets running north and south or east to west from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. until the street is plowed curb to curb.  

Parking on any public street in ZONE 3 is completely prohibited, on both sides and regardless of the street’s direction, until the street is plowed curb to curb. 

If a vehicle isn’t moved during a snow alert, it will be ticketed. If it’s not moved after a ticket, it will be towed. The time between a ticket and tow is generally 24 hours, but varies.