Electrical Journeyman

Becoming an Electrical Journeyman

Journeyman electricians must hold a state and city license if working within the Sioux Falls city limits. To apply for a license, contact the State Electrical Commission.

To apply for a journeyman license with the City of Sioux Falls, you must have your state journeyman card (or higher license) in hand. City applications must be submitted with the appropriate license fee (see link 2B25004 on the right).

For more information, you may contact Building Services at:
*Licensing: 605-367-8672 or licensing@siouxfalls.gov

*Electrical Inspectors: 605-367-8250


Electrical Contractors Journeyman & Apprentice FAQs

Once I get the license, is it good forever?

No, licenses must remain active by providing current bond (when required). Licenses also must be renewed every two years. If a license expires, it cannot be renewed after 12 months from expiration without re-examination, unless the Electrical Contractor has applied for and kept current his Inactive license.

What if I want to do electric, plumbing, or mechanical (HVAC) work?

Separate licenses are required for each field (building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical). There are examinations required for each field. Electrical and plumbing also require state licenses before applying for examination with the city.

Under no circumstances is an Electrical Contractor allowed to do any plumbing, mechanical or residential building work unless they also hold the appropriate, additionally required, licenses.

I just want to do this part-time, like helping friends finish their electrical work in the basement and other small projects. What license do I need?

If you are receiving compensation for doing electrical work, even if part-time, you are required to hold a state and city Electrical Contractor’s or Class B license. All work must be inspected, and the inspections must be called in under an Electrical Contractor’s license.

I have a state license, isn't this good enough?

If you are doing any electrical work in the city of Sioux Falls, you must also carry the City of Sioux Falls license.