
What's Happening in My Neighborhood?

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Shape Sioux Falls Chapter 8 Shaping Foundations and Revitalization Plans

Overall Intent: To conserve and/or revitalize the older or "foundation" neighborhoods. Strategy: Identify neighborhood conservation areas which will be the basis of a concerted and grassroots neighborhood planning effort. Implementation: Neighborhood planning and support programs, assistance, and development tools.

"Elements of a Neighborhood Plan" Conservation strategies are those steps, processes, and objectives that, when implemented, foster holistic conservation and strengthen neighborhoods.

Specific neighborhood conservation plans do the following:

  • Educate both City government and neighborhood residents about each other's concerns and visions for the future.
  • Promote collaboration between the City and the neighborhood in order to achieve mutual goals and a shared sense of responsibility.
  • Create a "sense of place" within the community by identifying and developing the assets within the neighborhood.
  • Initiate change by addressing specific issues and opportunities.
  • Identify implementation steps which will lead to quality-of-life improvements and strengthening of the neighborhood.
  • Provide realistic and fiscally responsible direction for future activities in the neighborhood.


Neighborhood and Preservation Planner
Diane deKoeyer

2023 Strengthening Sioux Falls Neighborhoods Project Grant Program

Your Neighborhood Know


Goal 3 - Maintain, preserve and revitalize the health and strength of city neighborhoods as desirable places to live.

    • Provide flexibility in zoning and building codes for older homes as a tool to increase affordable housing
    • Target older, central-city neighborhoods for proactive revitalization
    • Provide more incentives for historic preservation

  • -Adopted from Sioux Falls Tomorrow II


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