Bicycle Planning


Adopted 2023 Sioux Falls Bicycle Plan

Bicycle Plan 2023


2023 Sioux Falls Bicycle Plan Adopted

City Council approved by resolution the 2023 Bicycle Plan in October of 2023. The Sioux Falls Bicycle Committee worked on this updated Bicycle Plan with a vision "To construct a comprehensive network of bicycle lanes and trails that are safe and accessible to all.

Very High Priority Goals

  • Develop a complete bicycle network that is both comfortable and safe for all level of bicyclists through the addition of new on-street and trail facilities as identified in the Bicycle Plan.
  • Expand the bicycle trail so that any origin or destination in the city is located no more than one-mile from the trail.
  • Ensure that safe and comfortable bicycle routes exist for all schools and employment centers.
High Priority Goals
  • Develop a bicycle public education campaign to “Share the Road”
  • Continue to implement the city “complete street” resolution to accommodate  all forms of transportation within each street right-of-way for all roadway or development projects.
  • Add bicycle safety and Bike 101 programs.
Moderate Priority Goals
  • Complete bicycle projects by leveraging private resources with public dollars to
    maximize funding.
  • City funding and staffing for bicycle planning should be a priority.